Can a virus / malwares damage your computer ?

  My friend ask me a question , he said hey bro you have a very good knowledge of technology. he asked me  can a virus damage computer hardware so in this we were learn about Can a virus damaged computer hardware

What is virus/malware?

 See, we all believe that a virus or a malware is a type of code that stop you to doing task in computer. virus or malware sends various code to computer  that creates a malfunction it's means that it's Stoping a computer to sending the code to various software in computers. virus send reverse codes and stopped the pc.

Let's talk about CRT monitor

Many people believe that if your computer had a virus  the virus send codes to monitor to display various colours or show some wrong things that damaged the hardware , but  I want to tell this this is impossible or specially in today's modern computer's .

 What things can damaged by virus?

 Things can be damaged is your hard disk if your computer had a unique virus that sends the code to computer rapidly in that case the virus store lots of data in hard disk and delete it this happens very rapidly . Let me tell you that hard disk had a limit to how many times data should be stored and how many time to delete it. If virus does this the chances to damaged your hard disk is 50%. it's 50% because for such things to be happend lots of data is required.

Now talk about is can virus sends more power to computer elements

See, modern computer's have bios in their pc / computer assume if a virus come in your computer that creates a physical problems like voltage if that type of things happened the bios in computer sets computer voltage on default value . And the voltage error is fixed . It's very less chances that thing happened.

Can a virus can burns your processor/

Can virus damage motherboard

See a processor can burn in anyway   ! If your prosessor doesn't have proper fan and not have proper coller it's lot of chance that your processor can burn . In some cases that is possibilities that the plug of fan can remove In such case if processor    getting more heated the pc will automatically turn of this time of mechanism exist in modern computer's  


  So the answer of can a virus damage computer hardware  
It's totally no . But the in some casese short-circuit could be the reason of damaging the processor. But a virus can not damaged your hardware